Spiced Pork Tenderloin with Apples

Welcome to our Kitchen - it’s live PORKING time!

 ½ Onion, thinly sliced
 2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
 500 g Pork Loin (around 3 strips)
 3 tbsp Olive Oil
 20 g Butter
 Mrs Rogers Pink Himalayan Salt Medium Grinder
 Mrs Rogers Gourmet Peppercorns Medium Grinder
 1 tbsp Mrs Rogers Chinese Five Spice
 Mixed Salad
 1-2 Apples, sliced


Mix the onions and vinegar in a bowl and set aside.


In an electric frypan on a medium heat, melt the butter and gently fry the apple slices until they are just brown and starting to soften. Set aside.


Mix the olive oil and Chinese five spice together and roll each loin in the mixture until its covered. Season with salt and pepper. Fry each side until golden brown, then put the lid on your frypan and continue to cook, turning occasionally, for 15-20 minutes.


In a large bowl, toss the salad greens with the vinegar dressing. Plate and add the apple slices and sliced pork loin and serve.