Hot-Cross and Creamy Bun

Tis’ the season for hot-cross buns, and this recipe will make you buy more! Enjoy this crunchy and creamy dessert with all of your family and friends this Easter.

 1-2 day old Hot Cross Buns (one per person)
 1/2 litre Vanilla Ice Cream
 2 tsp Mrs Roger Cinnamon Ground
 1 cup Mrs Rogers Panko Breadcrumb
 1 Egg


Cut the hot cross buns in half. Scoop out some of the inside to make a hole and fill with ice cream. Fill the hole of both halves with ice cream and sandwich back together. Wrap in cling wrap and freeze for at least 1 hour.


Mix a little water with the egg in a small bowl. In a separate bowl, mix the Panko breadcrumbs and cinnamon together. Dip the frozen hot cross bun in the egg wash and then in the crumbs. Re-wrap in cling wrap and freeze again while you preheat the oven to 180C°.


Place on an oven tray and bake until the crumbs are golden, around 20 minutes. Serve with your favourite ice cream sauce.