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Christmas in Sweden – Saffron Buns

Yields1 Serving

Lucia was a kind girl who took food to people hiding in the catacombs because of their faith. Lucy means light which is very fitting as she wore candles on her head so she could carry more food. This sweet treat is in memory of her kindness and is celebrated mid December leading up to the arrival of Christmas Day.

 3/4 cup Milk
 1 large pinch Mrs Rogers Saffron Threads
 5 Mrs Rogers Cardamom Pods
 7g Yeast
 3 1/2 cups Plain Flour
 1 tsp Mrs Rogers Fine Pink Himalayan Salt
 60g Butter, softened
 1/4 cup Sour Cream
 3 Eggs, one to be used as a wash
 An extra 1/2 cup Plain Flour (if needed)

Combine the milk, 1 teaspoon of the sugar, saffron and cardamom pods in a pot and warm on a medium heat. Remove before it boils. Set aside and let the spices steep and the milk cool to 46°C. Sprinkle the yeast over the milk and set aside for 10 minute to allow the yeast to prove.


In a sand mixer (or if you have good muscles for the process), whisk the flour and salt together. Make a well and change to a dough hook. Add the butter, sour cream, 2 eggs and the milk mix and stir to combine. You may not need it but if you do, add the extra flour 1 tablespoon at a time until you have a slightly sticky dough but not sticky enough to stick to your hands. Knead for 10 minutes.


In an oiled bowl, place the dough and cover. Place in a warm place and let rise for an hour or two until it’s doubled in size.


Knead the dough for a further 5 minutes. Roll the dough into 60g weighted balls. Roll into a log shape and then fold into an S shape. Place onto an oven tray. Once finished shaping all of the dough, cover with cling wrap and set aside for a further 30 minutes.


Preheat the oven to 205°C. Mix the last egg with a little water and brush onto the buns. Place a raisin at each centre of the swirl. Bake for 10-12 minutes until golden. Cool and serve warm.