Balsamic Strawberries

Serve with Vanilla ice-cream or fresh whipped vanilla cream.

 1 Punnet of fresh ripe strawberries
 2 tbsp white sugar
 2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
 Mrs Rogers Gourmet Pepper to taste


Slice Strawberries in half, add sugar and balsamic vinegar and stir gently to coat strawberries.


Cover and set aside for 1 & 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally to coat strawberries evenly.


Grind Mrs Rogers Gourmet Pepper lightly to taste, stir gently before serving.


A perfect summer treat, the balsamic vinegar adds a wonderful flavour and brings out the colour of the fruit. The sugar draws the flavour of the strawberries and creates a delicious syrup. Adding a small amount of Gourmet pepper adds bite to the sweet strawberries.