Star Anise

Available in
11g ECO Pack

Star Anise has a warm, earthy aniseed or liquorice flavour, commonly used in Chinese cuisine.

Suggested Uses
  • Adds a wonderful flavour and aroma to mulled wine.
  • Add flavour to soups, veges, meats and stews.
  • Common in Chinese dishes, pairing particularly well with pork, chicken and duck.
  • Add early in cooking and remove before serving.
  • Whole spices retain better flavour than ground. Store in the closed ziplock bag until needed and grind using a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle.

The Variety

The star shaped seed pod of Illicium verum, native to Vietnam and Southwest China.

For Your Appreciation

Star Anise has a warm, savoury aniseed flavour, with recent use as a cheaper alternative to aniseed for baking. It is the key flavour of some liquor, including Sambuca.

Featured Recipe

I want all New Zealanders to discover the natural, healthy way to add taste and flavour to food.

- Mrs. Rogers -